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Mechanisms of behavior

Inherited behavior
     :: Orientation
     :: Reflex
     :: Chain of Reflex
Learned Behavior
     :: Habituation
     :: Imprinting
     :: Trial and Error
     :: Conditioning
     :: Reasoning

๐ Behavior and development of the nervous system

Animal communication behavior
     :: visual communication
     :: sound communication
     :: touch communication
     :: chemical communication




    Behavior refers to act that expresses all forms of life in response to stimuli that occur both inside and outside an expression corresponding to the situation and environment, while it can be observed from the outside by a pattern of behavior. That results from the interaction of genes and environment.

cool hot
Expressive behavior when cold. Expressive human behavior when it's hot.


The study of animal behavior There are two types of

     1. Physiological approach
s intended to describe. Behavior in terms of the mechanism of the nervous system. This is a model and mechanism for student behavior. Lessons learned in Biology that.
     2. Psychological approach
     To study the effect of various factors around the body and internal factors that affect the development and expression. Behavior is clearly visible

Mechanical behavior

 Behavior of the organism does or not is up to. 
    1. Motivation
          The driving force for the behavior. People who are highly motivated Every effort to commit to the goal without relent. But people with low motivation is not perform the behavior. Or was aborted before the goal. Examples of motive of such traits include liking or not liking anything. Or it could be a matter of emotion, However, the motive may occur due to internal stimuli involved.

    2. Stimulus
   Stimuli or stimulus that causes behavior that has 2 types.
         2.1 external stimuli is outside the body, the sensory organs. Can experience and recognize including Eyes, Nose, tongue and skin.
         2.2 internal stimuli within the body is ready to appear as a result of behavior. Mechanism within the body, such as hunger, thirst, sexual desire excretion.

For example, the relationship Motivation to stimuli or stimulus.

For example ::
     there is a bowl of noodles. Cooked and ready to eat on the table side by Mr. A from school in the evening, hungry to find a behavior that should happen to Mr. A is on the noodles, but if Mr. A was a person who does not like to eat noodles or noodles. with a brand or taste not like Mr. A may not eat that bowl of noodles.May find other foods to eat to curb hunger.


from sample ::
External stimuli is noodles
Internal stimuli is hunger , The hunger as the body's natural mechanical.
Motivation is not like that to be effective in reducing behavior.

       However, considering the motive, which is a matter of character and emotions can be complex and to study behavioral psychology. So let's just say that the lesson will focus on Noig. The mechanism causing this behavior as a result of physiology without the motive for analysis.

Examples of behavior ::
     Mr. B when thirsty (Internal stimuli) overlooking the water contained in the bottle. (External stimuli), which stimulate the receptors sense the eye sends signals to the brain results. Brain to the spinal cord through the (Brain and spinal cord, the central nervous system) control arm, leg and trunk muscles.(Effectors) moved to the open water and drinking behavior.

Behavior is a complex one, depending on the level. The growth of the unit include
     1. Recepter 
     2. Central Nerverous System
     3. operational units (Effector)



By Ms.Nuntena Sompoa teachers Pathumratchawongsa school.
Amnatcharoen Province